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Another Day Of Garbage
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Street Garbage
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
Opening Day Of Street Garbage 2007
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: The Begining of a Smelly Subject

Picture --> 4-18-2007

Every day I park downtown to go to my daily job, I see "new" Street Garbage dumped left or "put" on the sidewalk in carts, cans, boxes, or just right smack on the sidewalk.

Every day brings new treasures to this same olé spot day after day after day.

Some-days it is all cleaned up ...but not for long, it becomes a collecting area for what obviously ..."nobody wants"

I will be posting a few dozens pictures I have already taken this past few months

I will be also uploading new ones as I get them. I intend to have this be a blog of pictures more than words. For these gross pictures do tell a story. It is a story of one little section of a sidewalk in Portland Oregon.Yell

I am sure there will be plenty of garbage to photograph on the sidewalk in the days to come.

Stay tuned right here for -->


A telling blog from Joe Anybody on a street in Downtown Portland

If curious readers want the location I will email you this location:

You can write me at the following email address for this location:


Until then....... get ready for a mess to come



Posted by Joe Anybody at 6:11 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 26 April 2007 12:21 AM PDT
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