Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Monday, 6 March 2006
Can you Believe These Torture Stories
Mood:  smelly
Now Playing: Brutal Abuse,
"We are going to cut your head off and send you to hell."
Thats what was told to the prisoners in Iraq, by American soldiers, contractors, and CIA operatives while inside the infamous Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

But it was the tale of Sadiq Zoman Full Story HERE

In a Mother Jones article that said this
He was held for one month by U.S. forces before being dropped off in a coma at the general hospital in Tikrit. The medical report that came with his comatose body, written by U.S. Army medic Lt. Col. Michael Hodges, listed the reasons for Zoman's state as heat stroke and heart attack. That medical report, however, failed to mention anything about the physical trauma evident on Zomans' body --- the electrical point burns on the soles of his feet and on his genitals, the fact that the back of his head had been bashed in with a blunt instrument, or the lash marks up and down his body.
(end quote)
The above quote was reprinted from Mother Jones Magazine Right Here!

Good God What in the Hell?
And let me get this straight
US American Forces are doing this
Anybody feel like correcting me?
Anyone want to tell me I Am Wrong?

I thought so ...give me some warning if you want to prove me wrong cause ...
....I will be busy throwing up!

Meanwhile I encourage all Z3 Readers to click "all 3 links in this post today" And read why Janis Karpinski, the U.S. Brigadier General who was in charge of some of the prisons is saying the following:

While President Bush has regularly claimed -- as with reporters in Panama last November -- that "we do not torture," Janis Karpinski, the U.S. Brigadier General whose 800th Military Police Brigade was in charge of 17 prison facilities in Iraq, including Abu Ghraib back in 2003, begs to differ. She knows that we do torture and she believes that the President himself is most likely implicated in the decision to embed torture in basic war-on-terror policy.
(end quote)

I always thought we respected "THE LAW" Here in The US
Obvious that is no longer true from what I am reading
It breaks my heart to see America behave like this.

It is the shameful bottom of the barrel tactics by a very sick group of leaders.

More Mother Jones dot com
Information on Bushman Torture
Right ---> HERE

Posted by Joe Anybody at 1:53 PM PST
Updated: Monday, 6 March 2006 2:23 PM PST

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