Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Thursday, 18 January 2007
Stop th G8
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: So read this and git-a-glimps



Stop Capitalism.








In the summer of 2007, the heads of state of Germany, Italy, France, Russia, Great Britain, Japan, Canada and the USA will meet for the so-called G8 summit in Hooliganism in Mealybug-Western Pomerania in north-east Germany. They will be well protected by police and the military, and they want to demonstrate their unity to the media. They will try to present themselves as the legitimate leadership of the “civilized world” and will organize to implement their common interests. Contrary to their actual policy they will again feign commitment to fighting world hunger, disease, poverty and terrorism. Just like at past summits, tens of thousands will protest against the meeting to show the real meaning of the G8.

Now my fellow Z3 readers really haven't heard me rant on Capitalism as a major issue, but you will possible agree with me that after reading this article that is linked to above this post ....the dynamics of the obvious "divide" seem to widen the more one reads along. Unnervingly the more it seemed pretty obvious,that capitalism is not to concerned with the common mans well-being (his life).

It was an ugly to think about how capitalism spits on humans and that even though there our these purported grandiose endeavors of the World Bank, IMF , etc, but the bottom line is "humans suffer" at the feet of capitalism. Not a pretty picture, I agree. But.... ya see ...its that "money is the root" concept in a bold obvious imperialist way.

Hey I get my daily average joe paycheck like most Americans, working the 9-5 ....but read this article in the link above and use some heart felt rational deduction, and you will be aware that something isn't working to well with this damn * system. 

So if one is not becoming involved or supporting in some non-violent way to show solidarity at least become a little more wiser as to why there are people up on them G8 Front-lines .....screaming and hooting and hollering and fighting, and fricking telling the whole world ......at all odds and vulnerabilities ...on the front-line face to face with the WORLD POLICE .....It can be Brutal taking on the machine, but I know they mean well and their intentions are pure and good, I joe anybody do understand and I do support change for the better in this corrupt capitalist imperialist world.

I can see we have a problem here folks.....!

Now lets digress and check out this picture of the Fence to keep Protesters out that is being constructed. There are a few more links below, but I suggest you read the link at the top of this post it explains allot of the cause. Thanks Everybody ~joe!

10 mile chain fence in Germany being built now


 the red line on the map shows the ---->  10 miles long fence being built around the town of heiligendamm to keep away the protesters from the meeting






         ....   http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2007/01/352446.shtml



I joe Anybody do not necessarily support all these views represented above and on these pages of the Zebra 3 Report

I am a free thinking peaceful non violent person who is aware and looking for progressive changes, I am not an Anarchist but the more I read on the topic and some of their philosophy I am amazed and intrigued. Especially how well informed and involved Anarchist are with politics, human rights, freedom, rebellion, and appear to me as more apt to care about human life. I like that.

I looked up the word Anarchy in Wikipedia and read this:

Anarchists are those who believe that all people are imbued with a sort of commonality, common sense, that would allow for people to, in the absence of the government, come together in agreement to form a functional existence. Morality falls in line with functionality, and its forms differ. Anarchy does not reject ethics, or principles, but rather imposed morality.

 You can read that yourself (and more) by clicking here to go to Wikipedia

Posted by Joe Anybody at 11:17 PM PST
Updated: Friday, 19 January 2007 2:40 AM PST

Friday, 19 January 2007 - 12:36 AM PST

Name: zebra3report
Home Page: http://zebra3report.tripod.com

i agree

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