
Now Playing: Going On Our 5th Year Of, Bush's War On Iraq
I have been real busy with the Peace March and making videos with my new cam recorder
Check out "Joe Anybody" for my recent videos:
Here is an article I copied from the website Blue Oregon:
Impeachment: the right thing to do.
T.A. Barnhart
I just don't get it.
If George W Bush got drunk in a bar, went out driving, and then hit and killed a family of four from Baltimore, he'd be impeached, convicted and thrown in prison in the blink of an eye. Even his staunchest supporters and the most hardened ideologues of the right would toss him out of office and into the arms of the prosecutor. Deliberate actions of that kind that kill people are be tolerated by no one.
And what was Bush's declaration of war but a reckless and deliberate act that has resulted in the deaths of over 3,000 Americans and tens of thousands of non-combatant Iraqis?
"Hey bartender, get me a glass and a bottle of Jack. I'm the damn King of the World, and I'm gonna celebrate my owndamnself like a real man! And then I'm gonna drive my motherhumping Humvee right up someone's sorry ass if they even think of getting in my way!"
This wasn't a matter of "Oops, I guess I had a bit more to drink than I thought." He meant to kill people. Lots of people. That's what happens when you start a war: You make decide to kill as many people as possible. You call them enemies to make it tolerable to the weak-willed and weak-minded who don't like to think about that part of war. And as Commander-in-Chief, another decision gets made: To kill your own troops. There's no getting around that one, either. The person who declares war decides that lots of people are going to die. Bush claimed he didn't want "unneccesary" deaths but death is indeed what he ordered when he sent American troops into Iraq.
"Kill someone? Hell, yea, now that ya mention it, I guess I could. Heh heh, too bad for them I guess. Heh heh. Woops! They wanna be safe, people ought to stay home and watch Fox News instead of driving around at night."
Bush sat down with the rest of his gang, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld and the other warmongers who cheerfully aligned themselves with his decision to kill people (including poor sorry Tony Blair). They did have one initial problem to overcome at first, and that was that they had nothing substantial on which to base the war. But by God (literally), they were going to start their war regardless of facts or need.
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