
Now Playing: Corruption - Scandals - And Stealing Democracy
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'The clock is ticking. Money is going to run out for our forces in Iraq sometime next month,' White House spokesman Tony Snow said Thursday. 'Is that the message you want to send to men and women who are putting their lives on the line?'
Well Z3 Readers it looks like
The Rove Shit is hitting the fan……….
A US Senate panel Thursday authorized subpoenas of White House officials over the disputed dismissal of federal prosecutors, escalating a confrontation between the Democratic-led Congress and President George W Bush.
With Republicans arguing against the move, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted largely along party lines to allow its chairman to issue the subpoenas against five former and current administration officials, including Bush's top political strategist, Karl Rove.
Bush has vowed to fight Congress' demand - possibly in court - and warned Democrats against staging 'show trials.' Forcing his closest advisers to testify under oath would undermine the confidentiality he needs to run the country, Bush argues.
Democrats railed against what the White House has portrayed as a take-it-or-leave-it offer for officials to talk informally with lawmakers.
'What we're told we can get is nothing, nothing, nothing,' said the Senate panel's chairman, Patrick Leahy.
Congressional Democrats are also challenging Bush on the war in Iraq.