Mood: celebratory
Now Playing: Cindy Sheehan = Come To Washington Civil Resistance
Scott Horton Interviews
Cindy Sheehan
January 05, 2010
Peace activist Cindy Sheehan discusses the Peace of the Action anti-empire protests beginning in March in Washington, DC, how current US wars are outlasting the public’s attention span and the need for focused antiwar goals to prevent division among allies and derision in the media.
DOWNLOAD. Time: (20:23)
Cindy Sheehan became a leader of the antiwar movement after her son, Casey, was killed in Iraq. Her efforts to get answers from President Bush, including a vigil in Crawford, Texas, have received national media attention. She has a website and radio show, is the author of Peace Mom: A Mother’s Journey through Heartache to Activism and wrote the introduction to 10 Excellent Reasons Not to Join the Military