Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Redress of grievances - Ungar Furs - Man Lights Himself on Fire
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: A post on Portland Indy Media Regarding Man who Burned to Death
Redress of grievances



Written By: Vegan Cabal

PIMC link

30.Jan.2010 01:46

Sounds like my Dad's trust in the system and persecution of anything critical of capitalist tradition and the nuclear family normative. From Warren's initial statement that this wasn't a political action we could take the hint that he, like most American fathers, lost time getting to know his son because adherence to the capitalist (dis)order means survival, retirement, "social security".

When the cops give us an obvious reason we must respond. How are po-lice, or parents so detached from a sense of empathy to see suffering and not respond with compassion? Warren would do well to investigate the situation of systemic abuse of animals, his son probably wanted to show him, as I tried for my dad, and he probably shit on the sentiment as a "weak" ideology like mine did.

Love is the way of strength.

That gives him no credibility for me, yet the worthless Feds might intend to pursue those fantasies for appeasement of "his loss". I see the vegan community here lost an unknown ally because dominion aligned predators like that cop and the 75% Christian demographic of America desire business as usual for security, to push the reality of suffering that feeds and clothes them further from awareness.

Really, my father dying would reduce the participants of meat, leather, dairy and vivisection industry by one, not a loss to the greater good, and Warren Shaull reminds me of my dad significantly. Sometimes extremism gives us in a single action what decades of symbolic actions don't achieve, though all tactics are there for people with different-abledness and willingness.

Our speciesist war rages on and resistance allied with nonhumyns and eARTh is gaining traction. I want to rally to honor the humyn casualties in the struggle and protest disgusting abuse of power of that sadist spraying pepper spray, that is just vile. Where is PDX copwatch on this? Is anyone else feeling like protesting at the precinct and honoring Daniel's action at Ungar?
Full Article is here
Related Article is here:

Posted by Joe Anybody at 1:00 PM PST

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