Mood: loud
Now Playing: Flag Display out on the lawn - speechs and memorial information
In Wasahington D.C. Listen to Dahr Jamail and Sam Husseini. Help set up the memorial,
participate in the candlelight procession, attend the dedication, and walk the memorial.
Thursday, March 18, at 6:30 – 8:00 pm Remembering Iraq - 7 years of Occupation and Counting
Dahr Jamail and Sam Huseini will present: at Busboys and Poets (V St., Washington D.C.)
Friday, March 19th, the seventh anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq, the Memorial will be set-up on
the Mall. Nearby, a memorial to the American soldiers who have lost their lives will tell another story of
the cost of this war. Memorial volunteers will join a candlelight procession at 9:30 pm to light luminaries
throughout the memorial for a 10:34 pm observance of the beginning of the invasion.
Saturday, March 20, at 10:00 am Dahr Jamail, Josh Stieber, Salam Hassan and Mark Johnson will speak as
the memorial is dedicated. (time, only, is yet tentatively)
Dahr Jamail's books, Beyond the Green Zone and The Will to Resist, carry rare accounts of what was - and is
- happening in the wars. Jamail is a respected journalist dedicated to speaking the truth. His “dispatches” are
carried by many independent media outlets and can found at his blog Stieber, along with Conor Curran, both Iraq War veterans, established the contagiousloveexperiment
and traveled the country on foot, then on bicycle, to share their experiences. A read of the opening page of
their journal is well worth your time and will lead you to explore their experiment.
Salam Hassan assisted Dahr Jamail in Iraq as a translator, and works with media outlets to tell the real story
of Iraq. Salam's brother, Ali, was shot in Baghdad as a result of the war in Iraq while driving to work.
Mark Johnson, Executive Director of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, is recognized as an internationalchange agent committed to social justice and economic and environmental sustainability.