Mood: don't ask
Now Playing: Military recruiters dirty bloody claws in our school system
Topic: WAR
As many of you know, under No Child Left Behind, schools receiving federal funding MUST release students' personal information to military recruiters if they are to continue to receive funding. Students (and their families) may "opt-out" of this provision of the No Child Left Behind Act during their annual fall high school registration. While Opt-Out is an important first step, there are other insidious ways in which the military can gain access to student information.
Please read the petition below and "sign on" as you feel appropriate by clicking on the link.
Just some explanation of terms:
NNOMY: National Network Opposing Militarization of Youth
ASVAB: Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (test)
For more information on the "issues," please see: ("Leave My Child Alone!"), which has information on Opt-Out, JAMRS (the Pentagon consumer database) and ASVAB
An excellent article appeared in MOTHER JONES in September, 2009, entitled, "A Few Good Kids? How the No Child Left Behind Act allowed military recruiters to collect info on millions of unsuspecting teens."
Thanks very much for supporting students' rights to privacy.
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 12:01 AM PDT