Zebra 3 Report by Joe Anybody
Wednesday, 24 May 2006
385 Million Dollars for Housing Jailed Immigrants
Hey Zebra 3 Readers look at ole' Halliburton who just got a 385 Million Dollar contract to build temporary prisons for the INS along the border. Now does that surprise you any? Which by the way get used to this new acronym ICE cause thats the new one for these Bad Boys. A new acronym and some new --> " SUPERJAILS" costing hundreds of millions of dollars and having as many as 2,800 beds. You better be heads up .....Anytime you see mass prison camps being built it is not a good sign. The following link is from www.Alternet.org Nationwide, the number of ICE detainees went from 7,444 in 1994 to about 23,000 now; during the same period, the Marshals Service's population more than doubled to an estimated 63,000. Just in the last two years, Congress has authorized 40,000 new ICE beds over the next five years and given the Marshals Service funding for another 4,000 to 5,000. And the President's proposed 2007 budget calls for a $452 million increase in ICE funding, including money for another 6,700 beds.
One of the companies to benefit from the government's building -- and privatizing -- binge is KBR, a Halliburton Co. subsidiary, which in January was awarded a contract worth up to $385 million to build temporary immigrant detention facilities for the Homeland Security Department in case of an "emergency influx of immigrants," according to a KBR press release. The top companies running South Texas detention centers are the Corrections Corp. of America (CCA), GEO Group Inc., and Emerald Correctional Management.
The Office of Detention and Removal, a sub-agency of ICE, calls its 10-year plan "Endgame," the goal of which is to "remove all removable aliens" by 2012, including the 590,000 people who have ignored deportation orders and the 630,000 "criminal aliens" serving sentences in jail or prison at any given time.
The 6,700 new ICE detention beds requested in the 2007 budget represent a much greater number of potential deportees -- that's enough to allow an additional 134,000 people per year to be moved through the system.- And then I liked this comment on the same link: Immigration attorneys and advocates have watched with a mixture of amazement and apprehension as the U.S. Attorney's office has increasingly focused on nailing border-crossers. "When I first started practicing immigration law many years ago, the only people that were prosecuted for illegal entry were people who had entered before or people who were doing something else wrong when they were entering," says Barbara Hines, director of the immigration law clinic at the University of Texas Law School. "I think that's really changed -- the people who are being prosecuted [now] are coming for the first time, who have no other criminal record, and they are being prosecuted and serving jail time." Sentences can range from probation to up to 20 years if the individual has an "aggravated felony" on record.WOW it's not surprising we don't send those captured immigrants to Guantanamo! This place here in Texas has some news coverage on their "new Business" the prison will be drumming up here real soon due to the immigration arrests. Here are the last few lines from that article, Dear Z3 Readers, listen to the tone of this sales pitch for some warm bodies and the general attitude of this unhumanitarian spin. I am ashamed! ( Quote) The future of CCA's Taylor facility has been in limbo the last several months because of a lack of inmates. During that time, CCA has been marketing the prison actively to use all the available space. Without any inmates, CCA would have implemented a mothballing plan for the facility, using only a skeleton staff to maintain it so it wouldn't fall into disrepair. Most recently, the prison housed inmates that had to be relocated from the Gulf Coast as result of hurricanes Rita and Katrina. Prior to that, the facility held prisoners for the U.S. Marshal's Service, and it also held inmates from the overflow at the Williamson County jail. ( end Quote) Read Complete Article Here --> http://www.taylordailypress.net/articles/2005/12/21/news/news01.txtTo read more information by Joe Anybody on "Detention Camps in the USA" please check my post on Portlan Indy Media or click --> http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2006/05/339886.shtml
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 24 May 2006 12:01 PM PDT
Tuesday, 23 May 2006
on fire
Now Playing: Git Out..We No Longer Care!
What can I say! When Hate Runs Its Way It Looks Ugly!
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 1:31 AM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 3 March 2007 5:18 PM PST
Friday, 19 May 2006
Net Neutrality ? - Internet Is Changing
Now Playing: READ UP or LOOSE OUT
Topic: MEDIA
The Internet is Jeopardy This link will help you understand why we can not allow the freedom of the Internet and its use and affordability go down the toilet. http://esterrepublic.blogspot.com/2006/05/ted-stevens-vs-net-neutrality.htmlThis video Link explains this in about 3 minutes Check it Out --> **** HERE ****
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 5:01 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 22 May 2006 9:11 PM PDT
Tuesday, 16 May 2006
Open Letter To Congress
Now Playing: Joe Anybody writes to congress
Dear All Members Of Congress,
I am greatly concerned and upset over the reckless and abusive way our Constitution is being destroyed before our eyes, every day.
I just read where the status of the U.S. Department of Justice probe of the Bush administration's authorization of a warrantless domestic wiretapping program is now closed. The fact the Justice Departments Office of Professional Responsibility has just informed Representative Maurice Hinchey that they were unable to do their investigation because of being denied access by the NSA is a mockery to honest government I have never been more concerned for this country civil rights, as much as I am feeling right now. That is only surpassed by the passing and heart felt loss many and I felt as the Patriot Act Bill, which was passed and then even re-enacted years latter, as it should have been sunseted. My letter to you is to say I am urging an investigation into any wrongdoing, and to urge you to support by backing Representative Hinchey in his addressing this serious mishandling of our, United States citizens privacy, by a part of the government mind you that is out of control in secrecy and civil rights violations. It is atrociously getting out of hand, as in this obvious violation case there are telecom laws that specifically deal with this exact issue yet these laws mean nothing? I think in saying I agree with The Senate's chief critic of the spying program, Wisconsin Democrat Russ Feingold, who says that “the latest revelations have raised a range of new concerns about the White House's apparent disregard for the Constitution and specific statutes requiring that a warrant be obtained before tapping into the telephone conversations of Americans on American soil” we are lacking in any means to hold these crimes to be accountable and explained. These are exactly my concerns and my outrage. This is not what I expected from our “Elected Leaders.” I am outraged most by the secrecy of this type of snooping and disregard to democracy and the well-established protocol of our laws and government. In fact the sneaking around Congress or the FISA laws, with no approval or proper discourse being followed, makes this a crime in my eyes. I would like it investigated at the least. I believe we “had a Constitution” and that in the USA our government had a system of check and balances. I see that Constitution is being destroyed, overwritten, and neglected and almost not even acknowledged. Not to digress but I am equally ashamed and appalled about the flagrant and blatant abuse and torture of the detainees over seas due to this war. That being especially but not limited to Abu Grab and also Guantanamo, and many others spread-out through Iraq, and probably even in secret locations too, which is known as rendition, which I am sure you are by now aware of. And that too is covered up and denied and hidden by the CIA and our military. In Fact a recent report from Amnesty International states that one plane was first registered by a company called Stevens Express Leasing (SEL), then by Premier Executive Transport Services (PETS) and finally in 2004 by Keeler & Tate Management (KTM). Amnesty says all three firms are front companies set up by the CIA. And are being used in rendition practices.
I am ashamed and outraged over the capture and imprisonment in prisons in Iraq and Cuba, of men and children with no trials And with reports of prisoners being bought and then sold by gangs to the American Military as a terrorist, with no trial, and then held for years, that is disgraceful, and wrong. That is not the America I am proud of; this is not how any American is to behave in this world, and I expect my country to act accordingly within the laws of the people.. The reports of humanitarian abuses being discarded with no accountability or military responsibility taken, is shameful and unacceptable. Yet, as we know horrific actions were done and overlooked by our Forces with but a few, low ranking soldiers to hold all the blame. In the shadow of this terrible war, I am reminded of Ralph Nader who was warning, “It will quickly become a quagmire” I write to you now because, I am sickened by all the dead from our invasion. The people and most innocent civilians, we have killed which is hundreds of thousands. And “our loved ones that have been killed which is in the thousands” And all those brave men who fought without even asking, “are you sure?” or didn’t ask why, because they trusted in their leaders …We owe them the truth. We owe them to stop this madness they are stuck in, Where death by suicide or battle is the only way out. I demand to my government leaders, that this fighting must stop now. My cousin committed suicide due to this war in Iraq. He couldn’t stand for what he once was…at one time; he was a proud Honorable US Military Teacher and a Leader from West Point He was a ranking US Air Force Col, Who would soon claim from Baghdad, seeing it all first-hand … Exactly what we were doing there…and he said …… It was “dishonorable what we were doing over there” As he said "I cannot support a msn (mission) that leads to corruption, human rights abuse and liars. I am sullied," he says. "I came to serve honorably and feel dishonored. "Death before being dishonored any more." He then took his own life on his mother’s birthday,
I know he was disgusted with the US and our honor in this war! I know I am! He is not alone; at this very day the suicides amongst US soldiers are rising to high record levels. My intention when I first started this letter was going to be out of my concern of the NSA spying. And to bring my support and wish’s as a citizen forward to you So you too could encourage and support Representative Maurice Hinchey on this constitutional breech. I don’t like to drag my cousin through my tirade. But he died because of exactly what I am asking you to try and do “Please do, all within your power and position, all you can To Stop This War.” This spying, lying, hiding, and disregard to honesty and forthrightness is a shame to this democracy. You are in a position to fight for our civil rights like the real patriot we need today. Like our proud ancestors and freedom fighters did to help build this great country, You are needed, as they were, to help keep this country proud, safe, honest, and free. With respect to the rules of the land we all abide in and the laws we all write, vote, and enforce is equal to all. And that is freedom and justice to all and not just written for a selected few nor can be changed by just a select few. That this is the “we the people’s laws and land and lives that need respect and protection.” That is what I am calling on you to defend and protect You are one, who also represent us the citizens, and I am calling on you to stand against US Military Sponsored Torture that is still happening to this very day! These are in no-way acceptable conditions for Human prisoners and unacceptable that our leaders allow the military to treat people like they are. They need trials and just sane treatment. I am appalled at the tactics such as water boarding and many other mind numbing tricks being done, like stress positions, and sensory depravation which are maddening sick tactic that do not work for extracting information but are continually used on prisoners. And now with the newly added “signage” at the bottom of the Senator McCain’s Torture bill, it reeks with deception and fraud, of the people wishes to stop US led torturing. Ironically that bill was trumped up as being wanted by Most American Citizens and people from all over the world? And (finally agreed to by the White House) which seems deplorable on the surface, of them seeming to look and act like they were wanting to prevent the Anti Torture Law from becoming a law so that …they could Torture??? So at the last minute before the bill was signed, the White House had Gonzales insert some small print to “still allow torture during war times to be done by and if the president says it’s ok” Or reasonable fact simile to that. Correct me if I am wrong but that was a dirty trick and speaking of Leadership and Honor it is degrading to human rights and truthful government! A back door to torture and not many are the wiser? How shifty how sneaky! Spying on American citizens like in this NSA phone violation is one, but there is also medical record spying and library book record spying, and churches are spied on especially in the Muslim communities and the list grows every single day. Not to mention the absurd spying on those in the peace movement who are non-violent and non-criminal, as in the recent FBI release of FOIA document about the spying on a Catholic priest Father Roy, who has been protesting the atrocities at the School Of Americas Training School and found out there are now files on him ….a priest Are the main reasons although not the most or only reason I write to you today. I also write to demand an end to torture and the senseless killing the USA is involved in, from this illegal war we declared by lies and deceit I write to encourage and call for a restoring of honesty and integrity in our government leadership, where the people are protected and served, not the special interest of a few. And most importantly “To Protect our Civil Rights from being eroded” Just like this Great countries leaders did when their fellow citizens called them upon in the 1700’s Doing so by holding accountable and then investigate, those that have violated what makes this country free and proud. It goes without saying that I must then mention the crux of our problems today behind most if not allot of all this I have one more issue that is not to be ignored as this list of issues revolves around this very topic itself. There needs to be a full investigation in to what really happened on September 11 2001 There are way to many un-answered questions and things that don’t make sense about those planes and buildings, and our defense. In that, it is all too secret and covered up for me to accept as the real truth, And once again it’s the catchall word that is being abused and used called “Secrecy” (national security) We need a real look into the real questions from what happened on that day There is many questions that are not answered and still not much to this day, is really done for the truth on what really happened and how. It needs to be fully dealt with …not white washed and covered up. Thank you for allowing me to contact you And thank you for any work you may have done on this subject of civil and human rights and this terrible war And I would like to hear any comments you have back on these issues
~ joe anybody usa ~
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 11:05 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 17 May 2006 1:41 PM PDT
Monday, 15 May 2006
Stinking Spy's
Now Playing: Catholic Priest is Spied On by NSA - FBI
Please read here About how the FBI and NSA have been spying on Father Roy, which is now proven, from some new recently released documents. You see Z3 Readers, Father Roy was spied on in the name of " counterterrorism," by the U.S. government They were watching Father Roy because of his efforts to raise awareness of the state terrorism perpetrated by the U.S.-backed government of El Salvador.The link above is a short article about Father Roy who was and still is one of the main organizers of the movement to close the Pentagon-sponsored school where most of El Salvador's military officers were trained: the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), better known as the School of the Americas, based in Fort Benning, Georgia *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Hey there Mr Catholic Priest. I am from the NSA We will spy on you because You are Anti-War And Pro-Peace
You call your self someone who cares about Humanity We call you "suspect" The People Of America "Don't like Catholic Priest Promoting Anti-War Talk" Damn You!
DAMN ALL OF YOU PROTESTERS YOU ALL ARE SUSPECT TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER IN THE USA WE THE PEOPLE SPEAK THROUGH OUR FASCIST LEADERS "Don't mind our "heads in the sand" We have given our country to the Neocons!*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Fascist "New World" Leaders
What is fascinating is this comment and link on www.Alternet.org
That points out the blatant "abuse of justice and executive power by these neocons," in refusing to even investigate these serious constitutional concerns of Joe America & Joe Anybody and even Uncle Sam: WHITE HOUSE BLOCKS INVESTIGATIONS INTO SPYING by John Nichols, TheNation.com The Justice Department claims that its attempt to investigate Bush's eavesdropping programs has gone nowhere because its staff was denied security clearance. And that is nothing to be proud of. And a corrupt government indeed, and we have swiftly allowed it to rob us in broad daylight.
Joe Anybody has Ben Waiting for the world to pull its head out of the sand ....Im not sure some of us can do that Some just don't care if there Government spy's on them! Which confounds me!?
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 11:02 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 15 May 2006 11:53 PM PDT
Sunday, 14 May 2006
Now Playing: Special Mothers Day - 911 Video
Topic: 911 TRUTH
NOW LETS WATCH THIS SHORT MUSIC VIDEO ON "TERRORISM" CLICK HERE************************************************* PS --> When you have time, stop in on my 911 Truth Page HERE!
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 6:21 PM PDT
Friday, 12 May 2006
Carol Fisher
Ok Z3 Readers, so Carol Fisher hangs up some "world can't wait" posters on telephone poles in Ohio like grass roots activists do all over ....... and low n behold --> Read Full Story Here she is arrested ...in a violent way......held in a hospital for a mental evaluation....
Now if this was just a woman wandering the streets causing a problem or in danger or causing a dangerous life threatening circumstance I could see the use of force to protect her and the joe anybodys around her.
But all she was doing was hanging up anti war posters....welll actually I think they were anti bushman posters....asking him to step down.
I have Heard some "hate talk" about her being in this situation and alluding to she is crazy or was biting one of the cops???? I almost doubt that!
I have a friend who got rough-housed up by the Ohio Police...forget what city at the moment but it was not nice of them what they did to her. It was one mean cop in particular and it wasn't his first time in being a complete jerk that ghe seemed to always get away with it too.
she says (quote): A hand comes down again to push my chin against the concrete. By this time there are four cops on the scene. My hands are tightly cuffed behind my back. They lift me up and shove me onto a park bench and shackle my legs. I am still calling out, telling people what this is about. One of the cops says to me, "Shut up or I will kill you!", "I am sick of this anti-Bush shit!" "You are definitely going to the psyche ward." Then somebody calls the EMS, and a fire squad shows up. The cop supervisor appears and puts his finger in my face: "I don't like it when people treat my men like this and if you don't obey the law you will suffer the consequences." (end quote)
Can you believe this bull? Crushed to the cement!! Cussing at her and threatening her...WOW* Lady puts up anti - bush signs She gets took down and hog tied Roughly transported to hospital told to undress in front of men police chained to the bed Given an I-V
They don't like dissent in that town it seems. Heck that is joe any town USA, to me!
"Give a shot in the arm - hit em in the Brain Teach them to speak-out never again"
here is a link to Portland Indy Media where there is some more info --> HERE!
Now myself I am considering writing to someone over there in OHIO ...to have them explain to me what the hell is going on? They may not write me back but that will speak for its self.
I think I will say something along the lines of,
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 12:40 AM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 14 May 2006 6:13 PM PDT
Tuesday, 9 May 2006
Martial Law declared in Korea (Go USA)
on fire
Now Playing: USA KICKS ASS
when reading this blog today PLEASE HUM THE TUNE "AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL"
Now read this paragraph and click the link at the end for the full story. If you want to chant USA USA that will work as well ....just feel 'PROUD' of your country while you read this article. You have been faithfully instructed by bushman's neocons, "Freedom is on the march" (quote) 1,000's clash in resistance to U.S. base expansion. May 6th - The Korean Ministry of National Defense has declared martial law in the village of Daechuri and surrounding areas in its latest attempt to seize the land slated to be property of the United States military. In an attempt to control the escalating chaos that ensued when it sent troops and riot police to evict residents and activists, the MND is conducting door to door searches and arresting people on sight. Road blockades of sand bags and police buses have been placed around the village to prevent anyone from entering or exiting. Even the press, which had prior access, is no longer allowed to document the police activities
At least 400 people have been injured and nearly one thousand arrested since Thursday. The three days of violence has prompted criticism of the police force's conduct during the eviction. Human rights advisor's to the National Police Agency described the scene as a "blood bath", and an "embarrassing moment". May 4th, 2006 at 5:00am, the Korean Ministry of National Defense (MND) made its fourth attempt to occupy the villages of Daechuri and Doduri and crush the resistance to U.S. military base expansion. This time, they came with 12,000 riot police, 1,500 plain-clothes hired 'workers', who are notorious, right wing ex-military strike breakers, and 3,000 Korean soldiers and army engineers.
Their goal was to erect barbed wire around the fields and to establish a permanent troop presence at the Daechuri primary school which has been the organizing center for the resisting farmers. With troops stationed at Daechuri, the MND can designate the area a "protected military zone". (end quote) - MORE ON THIS STORY HERE
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 7:57 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 9 May 2006 8:09 PM PDT
Round n Round
Now Playing: US = Linear compared to Hindi = Circular
In our culture we recognize time differently than those in the Hindi culture. We see it is a linear. We see time going forward...in a kind of eternal march of history. But in India it is circular! The Hindi word for tomorrow, "kal" Is the same as the word for yesterday. Because yesterday is in the future, too. Kal (yesterday) - Aaj (today) - Kal (tomorrow). This is just a thought There is no hidden message It does show a perspective of culture & diversity
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 1:03 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 9 May 2006 3:47 PM PDT
Monday, 8 May 2006
Bushman spin would have him saying he wants to Close Down Guantanamo
Now Playing: Rummy Wants To Hear My Plan?
(quote from MSNBC) "Of course Guantanamo is a delicate issue for people. I would like to close the camp and put the prisoners on trial," Bush said in comments to German television to be broadcast Sunday night. and also, Frederick Jones, spokesman for the White House National Security Council said, “The United States has no intention of permanently detaining individuals, that is not our goal. We want to see all these individuals brought to justice,” Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, however, has dismissed calls for the prison to be closed.“Every once and a while someone pops up and gets some press for saying ’Oh let’s close Guantanamo Bay.’ Well, if someone has a better idea, I’d like to hear it,” Rumsfeld said in a February speech to the Council on Foreign Relations. Hey! I got an "Better Idea" if rummy really wants to hear it.. Besides my "Close It Down idea!"..Lets put Ole War Crime Rummy himself in the same prison and while we are at it lets use some of that Handy Wrap Plastic laying around. We can have it wrapped around his face over his mouth and nose and then strap him to a board and hold his head upside down under water to simulating drowning. I mean that is not even considered wrong by our current policy. In fact since Rummy commented a few years ago that he was on his feet 8 hours a day, that there is nothing wrong with having these prisoners held in stress positions for countless hours in their long day after days, and if that wasn't fun enough for stopping Terrorism (or breeding it) the military interrogators or CIA or whomever turn it was at the time ...would then do stuff like, remove the prisoners contact with their human senses like sight, touch, smell, hearing.....and sure enough.., Our Beloved Rumming Gang started turning human beings into complete ugly messes of a Human. Turning Humans Into Complete Out Of Their Mind Mess. Thank Rummy! Thanks CIA, Thanks USA Freedom On the March, Thanks bushman! So check this link http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12675642/and by June we will see if the Supreme Court will allow these prisoners a trial? And then we can see if the Spin in this news link today even half ass materializes As half-ass-bushman lies to us in today spin and infers he wants human rights and justice! Heck I even read an article that the Military wants to change the law so as to give themselves (sick bastards) the power to use the Death Penalty on Foreign Prisoner. The problem is we can only execute on US land and that is only at some US Major Army Base of ours. And the military wants to change the law so as to start executing off-American soil. Which by keeping the prisoners also off American soil which means they are not bound by our laws, hence the reason for using foreign lands for Torture, and even as we will all agree, using foreign soil for World Trade, which allows the destruction of the environment, labor rights, and human right, etc. "We use these lands, to skirt OUR OWN NATIONS LAWS" See if, the US Military brings a prisoner from Iraq to the USA he then gets a trial and there are laws to protect him from torture and abuse....keep him in Cuba and those same laws can not and do not apply! So change the law about capital punishment to allow the Military to start executing ....and watch the sick-o's start having a real freak timeMyself I still am holding out till Rummy and bushman are tapping on their toilet pipes hoping to get a message over cross the 'yard' to their jail bird friends Tom Delay, Scooter Libby, and Jack Abramoff. Hoping they will be bring all their neocon friends like Rove, and Cheney, Rice, Wolferitz, Rudy Gulliani,,,,,for some old fashioned new Conservative toilet pipe communicating.
Posted by Joe Anybody
at 9:36 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 8 May 2006 11:55 PM PDT
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