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PSU Teachers Contract Rally
The PSU faculty (and students) held a rally for a better teacher contract during mid day on Thursday in the park blocks
by Portland State University. The reasonable demands are for a student-centered budget, educator-led higher education and
a stable faculty for the benefit of everyone at PSU
Anti-Austerity Protest at Portland Business Alliance - JWJ
This the video footage from the Portland Oregon action at noon: "Jobs With Justice
Conducts Pre-November 3rd Direct Action Against the Portland Business Alliance to Highlight Links to Austerity.
Occupy Portland and many other local activist organizations such as PCASC and
Portland Jobs With Justice joined forces to rally and march in solidarity with Colombian workers who are in a hunger strike
and have been fired from their jobs in a General Motors affiliated manufacturing plant after recieving injuries which occured
on the job. This day was also chosen as it is the one year anniversary of the Occupy movement.
The Hilton Hotel Workers had a "workers rights hearing" - this is the JWJ Workers Rights Hearing, that was at the
Vancouver Washington Library on 2.23.12 http://youtu.be/KgtHDnqMPVM
The second protest in front of New Season Market. a rally to support
the workers and Ryan who was recently fired was held on 3/10/12 in SE Portland. http://youtu.be/pLsY-B6Lhto
Donna Wright - Fired from Fred Meyer in Orchard Washington - Interview
Filmed in Vancouver Washington at The Workers Rights Board - Donna Wright explains what happened to her after working
for 6 years at the Orchards Fred Meyer in Washington. A rally in solidarity is on March 21 at 3PM at the Orchards Fred
Meyer store.
Filmed from July through September in 2011 The workers stand against unjust work conditions at their local pizza shop
(job) in Portland. All ten protests were filmed and are archived on my youtube.channel, in solidarity with the workers struggle.
Rehire Ryan G - A
outside of New Season Market
Article and More Information on this issue: here
with Jobs With Justice on 2.7.12. This [2 buses] trip stopped at a half dozen different places, showing solidarity
with workers for good contracts and union support. More information on www.jwjpdx.org The full length video from this
bus trip is coming soon.
Rally in Portland for Immigrant Rights
/ Workers Rights started with music and speeches in ShemanskiPark. A permitted march through downtown followed the rally in the park.
Occupy Portland & JWJ, AFLCIO and many other unions stand in solidarity w/ striking Verizon workers by protesting
the union busting Verizon cell phone company. The streets filled with over 2ooo people.As the march winds to an end near Pioneer
Sq. the crowds gather outside the Broadway store for about 10 minutes.... Shouting "Shame on You" and other anti union busting
Hundreds and hundreds gather on 10.22.11 to cross the I-5 bridge on the Oregon / Washington border in Solidarity! to demand
"Good Jobs and No Cuts". Occupy Portland and Occupy Vancouver join in the march and the demands. This is a video of the bridge
crossing from the Washington side
Portland Activist and Citizens [a group of estimated under 1000 people] demanding Good Jobs and No Cuts joined with Vancouver
Activists and Vancouver Citizens in a walk across the I-5 Interstate Bridge on Saturday 10.22.11.
The I-5 bridge sidewalk was was filled end to end as the 99 percent from Occupy Portland and Occupy Vancouver joined with
Jobs With Justice and Union Organizations to form one solid line across the state line.
This clip is just one part of the march and and this event continues in the next videos, which I will be posting soon right
On the 43rd anniversary of the death of Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr., who was assassinated while in Memphis to support a strike of city sanitation workers. Those
public workers went on to win recognition of their union, along with economic justice and respect. But today, the rights for
which they and Dr. King struggled are under attack In this event citizens
join with the Oregon AFL-CIO, the Northwest Oregon Labor Council, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, and
fellow union members for a rally to keep Dr. King's dream alive
Workers Rights and events that Jobs With Justice participate in have the support of Joe Anybody. I am in solidarity
with laborers and workers rights organizations ~joe anybody
Qik: 4 cellphone videos here (full Video coming soon)