
No Door on Lownsdale Park Mens Restroom in Portland

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As reported [see below]
to City Commissioner Amanda Fritz and to the Park Rangers and to their public website  --> ParkScan
The following posted  information on this page below is a public record on the documenting of the lack of concern on this serious issue
Joe Anybody 9/7/13 - updated 1/30/21

I started a new webpage on this issue on 6.28.14 link below:
Newest items will be posted on the top of this page

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9.3.14 - I Report again (2nd time) to The Human Rights Commission regarding No Door on men's restroom in Portland park




2/17/14 - No Door = No Dignity on men's restroom in a Portland city park 

2.5.14 - I Report to the Human Rights Commission on No Door on men's restroom in Portland park

http://youtu.be/229fTPvDfME  (2 minute video) A report by Joe Anybody to the HRC (Human Rights Commission) in Portland regarding the NO DOOR on a bathroom in the park. For over 10 years there has been no door on park bathroom in Portland Oregon at Lownsdale Park. My first request to (both) Amanda Fritz and to the City Parks was blown off with a shallow reply back that was unacceptable and shameful so I have now informed the Equity / HRC department in this short clip and by email.

The full collection of info on this NO DOOR on a restroom in a Portland Park issue can be read here:
http://www.joeanybody.com/id50.html  (No Bathroom Door info webpage)

3/2015 NO Door - No Tarp - No Privacy - No Dignity

UPDATE 1/30/21

STILL NO DOOR or TARP = 8 Years Later & Still No Repairs

Human Rights / Dignity / and Perversions

The City continues to violate basic human rights 1/30/21

Teak Wood Spinning Clip

3.2015 - picture taken while I was using urinal
Exposed to the public

NO DOOR - Toilet use exposed to public 2015
This is the view while sitting on toilet - picture taken 3.2015

NO REPAIRS -&- 8 years have passed with no door changes to this Human Rights Issue
No Door = No Dignity on men's restroom in a Portland city park 
 ~joe 1/30/21 



Dear Commissioner Fritz,                                                     7/3/2014

This is a request that your Parks Department/Bureau take care of a problem that has apparently been going on for some time. I was in Chapman Park yesterday, July 2, 2014, I had to use the restroom and found that the men’s restroom did not have a door on it.

This was disturbing to me and I want this taken care of immediately. I was made aware of a message your managers sent out to Joe-Anybody sometime ago; that was outrageous. We will start a campaign concerning your department forcing men to expose themselves to the general public.

We will embarrass you and your parks department until you repair/replace that door. Individuals For Justice will put up some type of screen to block the general public from being forced to see straight into the restroom where men are trying to relieve themselves.

We will start our campaign in about a week giving you a reasonable time to make temporary repairs until you can make a permanent repair/replacement of the missing door. We were shocked to read your departments response; being a person of modesty I cannot for the life of me understand you allowing this to continue---alarming!      

Joe Walsh-Founding Member IFJ Activists 7/3/14


No Door = No Dignity on men's restroom in a Portland city park 
 ~joe 4/17/14 


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2.14.14  - I notice there is a tarp that is zip-tied to the Men's Room Door.
This does provide privacy - but I must say it is a low budget way to address the problem if this is the city - parks way of making repairs ... I am satisfied that there is privacy by the tarp zip tied to the metal frame door
But I also am not satisfied if this is the way repairs are done by the Portland parks department, in that vein it, even seems somewhat insulting.
Thanks for a step in the right direction
Thanks for not removing the tarp.
Continue the conversation.
Fix the door on the men's restroom. 
Beside the first original letters from the City Parks & Amanda Fritz
I have received no other correspondence or replies or solution suggestions,
even from the Equity Department.
   ~ joe 2/23/14

I Report To Human Rights Commission on No Door on men's restroom in Portland park
http://youtu.be/229fTPvDfME  (2 minute video)
A report by Joe Anybody to the HRC (Human Rights Commission) in Portland regarding the NO DOOR on a bathroom in the park. For over 10 years there has been no door on park bathroom in Portland Oregon at Lownsdale Park. My first request to (both) Amanda Fritz and to the City Parks was blown off with a shallow reply back that was unacceptable and shameful so I have now informed the Equity / HRC department in this short clip and by email.
The full collection of info on this NO DOOR issue can be read here:
http://www.joeanybody.com/id50.html  (info webpage)

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Lownsdale Park - only park in town with no door
Google map of No Restroom Door location

The Parks Replied word for word the unacceptable reply posted below:
Date 09/10/2013Comment 
Thank you for sharing your observation and concern about the restrooms at Lownsdale Park.

Commisioner Fritz has recently provided us some guidance on this issue. Here was her response:

The removal of the door was a conscious choice made many years ago as a result of persistent illegal activity and vandalism occurring in the restroom. We believe it was done ten or more years ago. Given the recent increase in illegal activities around the park squares, it doesnt seem like an appropriate time to revisit the decision. Looking forward, potentially changing the restrooms to a Loo might be considered, adding privacy and security. There isnt funding for more Loos in Parks in this years budget, however.


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PARKSCAN WEBSITE - Please use this to fill your complaint or observation
Observation # 1395
Lownsdale Square Park
Lownsdale Park is the only Mens Room Restroom in Portland with a front door that does not provide the required decency. The toilets and them being "used", is visible from the street. The fact that this dignity and equity problem is allowed to continue in this fashion is very concerning. No person should have to use a toilet facility in a Portland park while exposing themselves to the public being required in order to use the facility properly. The public do not "need" to see people using a urinal when they walk by everyday on that sidewalk by the restroom see through door. The public do not need to see from the PARK AND THE PUBLIC SIDEWALK men pulling their pants up or down while using the toilet
This privacy problem needs to be addressed in a "responsible manner immediately" it is unacceptable in this condition. If this restroom is incapable of having a door for dignity and privacy it then needs to be closed down. Knowing that 90% of the users of this restroom may be houseless is not justification to not address this properly, in fact due to the use by houseless people in this neighborhood it seems an equity issue is surfacing that the Portland parks are deliberately ignoring and in a demoralizing way a repair that would be done to every single "other park in the city" - But not this one?
I have a video clip link with the title: No Door on the Mens Restroom 7 22 13 Portland Oregon Lownsdale Park - No Dignity No Respect It is attached at the end of this observation post regarding this No Door on the Mens Room issue: Thank you for looking into this issue as soon as possible. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gclDYr36vh4
Observation Photo 1 Observation Photo 2 Observation Photo 3

No Door On Mens Rest Room Lownsdale Park Portland
No Door On Mens Rest Room Lownsdale Park Portland

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!! SHAME !!
Why is there no door on the Mens Rest Room in Lonsdale Park in Portland Oregon?

On 7.22.13 a houseless activist protester is handcuffed, to a tree as he brings to light the human rights and dignity / equity issue of the "No door on the Mens Rest Room" in the park by city hall. Oddly there is total silence by the Park Rangers. I suspect they know its wrong but do not want to say nor be involved? What will be interesting is "who is pushing for this to issue to stay as it is (sick) or who will make the change for what is right so that all citizens are treated equal and with respect and dignity when it comes to using a public restroom in one of our cities park!?
Commissioner Fritz amanda@portlandoregon.gov replies to me on 8.10.13 the following:

Dear Joe,


Thank you for your message.  Tim Crail, my Policy Advisor for Parks operations, looked into your concernThe removal of the door was a conscious choice made many years ago as a result of persistent illegal activity and vandalism occurring in the restroom. We believe it was done ten or more years ago.  Given the recent increase in illegal activities around the park squares, it doesn’t seem like an appropriate time to revisit the decision.  Looking forward, potentially changing the restrooms to a Loo might be considered, adding privacy and security.  There isn’t funding for more Loos in Parks in this year’s budget, however.


Commissioner, City of Portland



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Dear Joe,

Thank you for your message.  Tim Crail, my Policy Advisor for Parks operations, looked into your concern.  The removal of the door was a conscious choice made many years ago as a result of persistent illegal activity and vandalism occurring in the restroom. We believe it was done ten or more years ago.  Given the recent increase in illegal activities around the park squares, it doesn’t seem like an appropriate time to revisit the decision.  Looking forward, potentially changing the restrooms to a Loo might be considered, adding privacy and security.  There isn’t funding for more Loos in Parks in this year’s budget, however.




Amanda Fritz
Commissioner, City of Portland

The City of Portland is a fragrance free workplace.  To help me and others be able to breathe, please avoid using added fragrances when visiting City offices.

To help ensure equal access to City programs, services and activities, the City of Portland will reasonably modify policies/procedures and provide auxiliary aids/services to persons with disabilities. Call 503-823-2036, TTY 503-823-6868 with such requests or visit http://www.portlandonline.com/ADA_Forms

From: Joe Anybody [mailto:iamjoeanybody@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2013 1:45 PM
To: Commissioner Fritz
Cc: Selby, Jeff
Subject: No Door on The Mens Restroom in Lonsdale Park


Hello Amanda, (and Jeff)

You have seen me many times filming around Portland, I filmed all those sidewalk advisory meetings and the HRC meetings.

I understand you (Amanda) now are overseeing the City Parks department, and I want to bring the issue to you regarding "no door on the mens restroom in Lonsdale park".

As I discovered this issue, from a man who explains, and is in the attached video, I am also making it public and asking others what they think as I try to find who is the responsible person in charge to help fix the inequity.

I my self am disgusted and would hope that a quick fix was in order to correct this. This is not in any way acceptable. I know you can do better in your reply, than the 3 Park Rangers who wouldn't even acknowledge that I as talking to them about this problem as seen in the video.

Also as seen in the video, the police chief and the city attorney are aware of this, due to this issue being yelled loudly in public by the man in the video who was protesting.

Although in fairness is not "the Rangers" or the Chief and the DA responsibility and that is why I am asking you as well as I am asking the Human Rights Commission for their opinions on this issues of decency, privacy, respect, dignity, and common sense.

If you are not the person who can assist in helping correct this issue can you direct me to the person I need to talk with?

Thank You for reading this far.
And any help you can provide in correcting this, rather than ignoring it.

~Joe Anybody

No Door on the Mens Restroom 7 22 13 Portland Oregon Lonsdale Park - No Dignity No Respect

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gclDYr36vh4  [5 min video]

Why is there no door on the Mens Rest Room in Lonsdale Park in Portland Oregon?
On 7.22.13 a houseless activist protester is handcuffed, to a tree as he brings to light the human rights and dignity / equity issue of the "No door on the Mens Rest Room" in the park by city hall. Oddly there is total silence by the Park Rangers. I suspect they know its wrong but do not want to say nor be involved? What will be interesting is "who is pushing for this to issue to stay as it is (sick) or who will make the change for what is right so that all citizens are treated equal and with respect and dignity when it comes to using a public restroom in one of our cities park!?

 [My email was sent August 7th to Commissioner Fritz and I copied the Human Rights Commission] -joe

This is a human rights & dignity issue plain and simple - only an idiot would tell people it is ok to pull their pants down in public view


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