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ALL MY Videos are now listed below:
Newest videos are added to the top of page.
The date I note is the "Day The Recording Was Made"
All These Videos I have Recorded My Self 
- unless noted
~2018 --- videos of mine can be found here:: http://www.joeanybody.com/id73.html
~2017 --- videos of mine can be found here:: http://www.joeanybody.com/id71.html
~2016 --- videos of mine can be found here:: http://www.joeanybody.com/id59.html
~2015 --- videos of mine can be found here:: http://www.joeanybody.com/id54.html
~2014 --- videos of mine can be found here:: http://www.joeanybody.com/id52.html
~2013 --- videos of mine can be found here:: http://www.joeanybody.com/id39.html
~2012 --- videos of mine can be found here:: http://www.joeanybody.com/id33.html
~2011 --- videos of mine can be found here:: http://www.joeanybody.com/id13.html
~2010-07  videos of mine can be found here: http://www.joe-anybody.com/id83.html
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Joe Anybody 2018 videos will all be on this page

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11.11.18 @ 11:11 AM

100th Anniversary of the Armistice Day - Portland Oregon in Directors Park Veterans Day

On 11.11.18 in Portland Oregon, Veterans For Peace (Chapter 72) organized a gathering at 11 AM to celebrate Armistice Day (also known to be called Veterans Day) This was the 100th Anniversary of the Armistice that ended World War One and was meant to Usher in Peace for All Times. We will begin exactly at 11 am and.11:11 am ring bells a 11 times at the end of which we will honor all those who have died on the Battlefields of all wars and remind each other that the Armistice Day took place on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month on November 11, 1918 and was to be the End of All Wars and thus a time to Celebrate Peace.


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Copwatching - handcuffed homeless man and a security guard

Portland police show up to assist a homeless man whom a aggressive {?} private security guard has engaged with (before i started filming) This was filmed downtown by the Public Library on SW 10th street in Portland Oregon: (18 minute video) - I missed how it started - I was given a cops calling card with this PPB case # on written on it (by a lady cop) - I don't know who put the cuffs on the houseless man - I did like seeing a few cops helping him pick his stuff up - I think it was a case of an aggressive "private security guard, but cant say - I was told by people who witnessed the situation that the security guard was acting aggressive to the houseless person


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Talk with Fausto Torrez 10 -16-18 Nicaragua

Tu Oct 16, 2018 Nicaragua: Fausto Torrez, a leader in la Asociacio'n de Trabajadores del Campo (ATC), a rural workers' assn coming out of the revolution and one of the founders of La Via Campesina, a world-wide coalition, with Erika Takeo, US coordinator of Friends of the ATC, who has been informing us about the ATC and Nicaragua. By Friends of the ATC and PCASC. (Portland Central America Solidarity Committee)


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The State of Oregon's unions: Strong, United, Galvanized - Portland

A rally on the steps of City Hall Rally in Portland on 6.27.18 for Union Solidarity after the announcement of the Supreme Courts decision in Janus vs AFSCME The State of Oregon's unions: Strong, United, Galvanized


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June 8th - Max line delay due to Police Activity

More police activities halts transit line in Portland 6/8/18 Good Grief (now what)


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Save The VA Hospital - Portland Oregon

Koch Brothers are leading the charge to privatize the VA Healthcare System and they have Trump's ear.

What are you going to do about it?
A forum of Veterans, VA Caregivers with special guest Suzanne Gordon author of "The Battle for Veterans' Healthcare" and a panel to discuss the fight to save the VA from Privatization.


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RACE TALKS - "MIND, BODY, SPIRIT: The Correlation of RACE and Health"

According to a new study by the nonprofit organization Catalyst, 51-58% of all women of color and 60-64% of Black and Latino men pay an "emotional tax" due to micro-aggressions and exclusionary behavior in the workplace that's detrimental to their overall health and ability to thrive. Join us to learn how to counteract this negative drain on your mind, body, and spirit with pointers on nutrition, spiritual practices, exercise and natural medicine. Speakers:

Star Waters: "The Wounded Healer" Podcaster; Raw Food Vegan Cook; Life Coach; Spiritual Icon

Dr. Ose Okojie: Naturopathic Physician and Personal Trainer


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We Commit To Live Singing - Karla Lara & Jose Antonio Velasquez

Karla Lara, Honduran Resistance jazz singer and jazz pianist Jose Antonio Velasquez

Honduran Jazz Singer, Karla Lara: Let's Live Life Singing Sunday April 22nd 2018 12:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. Leaven Community Center

It is a time of gathering and strength. With our bodies, thoughts and feelings we gather around the body and the example of those who have been stolen from us, pain and strength converted to chant and song to cry out with life in the face of this patriarchal war that kills us. Berta, Margarita, Mirelle, indigenous and black women, targeted because of their struggle against capitalism, racism and patriarchy.


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RACE TALKS: "THE BELOVED COMMUNITY: Living the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr."

"THE BELOVED COMMUNITY: Living the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr." Join panel members from The Beloved Community: a Portland-area interfaith/interracial assembly that works to embody the principles of Dr. King's Beloved Community through cooperation, friendship, goodwill and reconciliation as they share their individual programs and how you can start your own interfaith/interracial circle of friends and influence.


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Police Shooting Update

Officer involved shooting on SE 101st and Washington in the Burger King parking lot (Portland Oregon), filmed around 4:34 PM.

Sheriff Mike Reese gives news reporters the update in this video regarding the police shooting a man after he backed his vehicle into the undercover cops who had blocked him in.


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MAYDAY 2018 Portland Oregon

Solidarity on MAY DAY

MORE INFO http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2018/05/435739.shtml


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MEDIA UNDERGROUND out take "I'm Safer Up There"

A video clip Out Take from Media Undergrounds Channel

I made an out take from Media Undergrounds video in which he titled it "avoiding Xmas strategy'. My out take clip starts at the 19:20 mark on his video video https://youtu.be/kXYZupOFW-Y?t=19m20s


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Toxic Trespass Panel - PIELC CONF

3 3 18 Toxic Trespass Panel PIELC Law Conference - Eugene Oregon - panel discussion

INFO http://pielc.org/


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Homeland Security and Cop Watching on 10th street in Portland

On 3.29.18 I seen a half dozen Portland Police cars and a Homeland Security vehicle on SW 10th street by the Galleria Max stop. I started filming at 5:39 PM. There were two men who were handcuffed. One in a stairwell corner and one already inside a police SUV. They were both taken from the scene by ambulance, there also was one handcuffed lady, who was released. [...]

The police totally ignored me as I filmed. (In the last minute of this video) I asked why there was a Homeland Security officer at the scene one cop told me he didn't know and to ask them. The Police Sargent I asked, didn't really know either, he said that the Portland Police didn't call Homeland Security, but they do get involved / assist if there is something going on that they are around. Video is also uploaded on Archive dot org here: https://archive.org/details/CopwatchingOn10thStreet3.29.18


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RACE TALKS: CROSSING OVER: Transgender People of Color

Transgender People of Color”

The Transgender community is the least understood group in our country. African American Transgender women are the most endangered of all LGBTQIA community members. Come listen to what it’s like to be born in the wrong body and finally find your true self.


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State & Corporate Surveillance Capabilities - PIELC conf.

Filmed in Eugene Oregon at the PIELC conference 2018 Public Interest Environmental Law Conference *State and Corporate Surveillance Capabilities (Law 281) We will provide case examples, tips, and traps regarding government and corporate surveillance of climate activists and frontline communities, their campaigns, and their lawyers, and why everyone needs to take security issues seriously to be a serious activist, advocate or attorney. We will overview known and suspected surveillance capabilities of state and corporate opponents and provide guidance on developing a digital security threat model. Panelists: Lauren Regan, Civil Liberties Defense Center; Glencora Borradaile, OSU/ Civil Liberties Defense Center


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RACE TALKS - Sistahs are doing it for themselves:

Women of Color in the Social Justice Movement"
Tuesday, JANUARY 9, 2018
Women of Color in the Social Justice Movement"


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Joe Anybody video's from 2018 are all filmed by myself unless otherwise noted

You Be The Media - Fuck Corporate Media  ((( i )))


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